Thursday, March 6, 2008

Childrens beauty pageants - not what your would think...

I never believed people when they told me that childrens pageant belong in the classification of their own. That they are addicting, exhusting, exciting, and like nothing else all at the same time. And as funny and rediculous as it sounds with each new pageant we do we find a new relm of the pageant world we never knew exsisted.

Now most people who have never dabbed into childrens beauty pageants would probably think come on there can't be that much involved or they arn't that big of deal but thats the thing, to those involved they are a huge deal. My daughter entered her first pageant at 13 months old and we did the exact samething everyone else does ther first go to the local boutique and buy the overly priced crap prelim dress with the cute ruffle socks and these baby cute shoes that only look cute until your child is 6 months old and then you go with absolutely no idea whats going to happen and not to mention the whole family is in tow. Either your child is going to hate it or love it and either way your do it again because they arn't old enough to have a say and everyone thinks their SOOOOO cute!

Well my enlightenment came at pageant #2. I got a quick wake up call when I walked into a preliminary pageant face to face with a bunch of quote "Pageant Moms" now everyone had warned me about these Pageant Moms...they would bite your face off if you looked at them the wrong way and they slather their little babies in inches thick of make-up and make them parade on stage in skimpy clothing some even titled it "horing their children out". Needless to say I was quite scared. I quickly learned that the mean mom's are few and far between and that most become great friends with one another.

I'll post more tomorrow.....